Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard

Wiimote on stand, LED pen and projector
In November I learned about the $60 Interactive Whiteboard.  In December, I ordered all the necessary parts.  In January, I completely forgot about it.  In February, I set it all up and WOW'ed my students.  It's March, the honeymoon is over and I am trying to determine will this be a long and fruitful relationship or not. 

So far in class I have used it with TI-SmartView and with PowerPoint presentations.  In PowerPoint, I used the ink annotation feature to highlight a few important ideas during the presentation.  This was kind of neat because I was able to write on the whiteboard the way I normally would but could save the writing on the PowerPoint slide. 

I will continue to experiment but would like some ideas on using it to teach Trignometry and Algebra 2.  So, leave a comment about how you have used your Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard to teach your lessons (math or otherwise).